FOV- Dhoop & Agarbatti Company.
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About Us

Welcome to Fragrance of Virtue , where we specialize in engineering a wide range of incense products, including agarbatti, Dhoop batti, dhoop cone and cups, natural resins, dhuna powder, kapoor, and puja-related items. Our carefully crafted incense is designed for use in puja rituals, meditation, healing, aromatherapy and creating a fragrant environment.


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Why Choose FOV ?

You're embracing more than just fragrances. You're supporting a commitment to sustainability, compassion for the environment, and the cultivation of vibrant, joyful experiences. Our products are crafted with care, from sourcing to creation, ensuring that each purchase contributes to a more harmonious world.

Why Choose FOV ?

You're embracing more than just fragrances. You're supporting a commitment to sustainability, compassion for the environment, and the cultivation of vibrant, joyful experiences. Our products are crafted with care, from sourcing to creation, ensuring that each purchase contributes to a more harmonious world.


Ethical and sustainable sourcing

Every ingredient in our products is ethically sourced, ensuring a sustainable supply chain.

Support for women empowerment

Fragrance of Virtue is committed to empowering women through its initiatives and employment opportunities.

Environmental care

Our brand prioritizes environmental conservation and sustainability efforts, minimizing our ecological footprint.

Livelihood for communities

We provide livelihood opportunities for communities, contributing to their economic well-being.

Tree planting

Fragrance of Virtue encourages the customers to plant more trees by providing magic seed paper with every product of ours.


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